Lit by ♥xo Your baby girl, Mimi Monet xo♥ 22nd December 2020
Merry CHRISTmas Guardian Angel Mommy. CHRISTmas Remembrance celebration for you & others was at home this year. Lighting candles eachday this month in beautiful reflection of past, present and future blessings shared. This is the season where we focus on HOPE coming in the darkness. I recognize how vital HOPE is despite the covid19 despair and how challenging it is to find joy in these sorrowful times. I pray for those who are coping with loving a prodigal,our friends and family members whose hearts are far from You. I pray for those dealing with unemployment and addictions and chronic sickness ... and unending pain and frustrations of all kinds. Thank You, Lord & Angel Mommy, that You are ALWAYS Guardian Protector, The Wonderful Counselor and Prince of Peace, even in the midst of a not-so-merry Covid19 circumstance. JESUS IS THE REASON for the SEASON<3!
This candle went out on 7th January 2022.